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Sam Uduma Diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and Multiple Personality Disorder, got separated from the World to Heal.

Sam Uduma Diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and Multiple Personality Disorder, got separated from the World to Heal.

Jul 28, 2023

This is one hell of a story.

Sam Uduma was one of Lagos’s ‘Big Boys’ – tech entrepreneur, inventor, and investor. Everything was perfect.

Then suddenly… everything came crashing down. His mind snapped.

The diagnoses: Bipolar Disorder, and then Multiple Personality Disorder.

It shattered his family, his work, and his life.

I am very honoured that he shared this deeply personal journey with me on TV for the first time.

Sam says:

I spent about 12 days in the facility, and it was really relaxing in the sense that there were medications, there were exercises, and we practiced mindfulness. We ate three-square meals and, often, we would just gather around and talk.

It was almost like a getaway, but it was meant to mimic rest and relaxation while you were getting medicated.

Guess what? The day I come out of it, EndSars protests had started. While I was inside, I didn’t even know because they prevent you from having access to the world. Everyone was calling me because I had predicted what was going to happen during my manic episode.

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