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“I promised my mother that I will make her proud.” — Clinton

“I promised my mother that I will make her proud.” — Clinton

Oct 8, 2023

What would you say to a child who has never made his mother proud but had promised to make her proud long time ago?

Clinton shares with me today how he made a promise to his mother and why he has not been able to fulfil that promise. He remembers the very day he said those words and tells me about the subtle prayers he made for his change. Do we hope he can change?

Chude asked him, “If your mother was here now, what would you tell her?”

Clinton: I will beg her. Because when I wanted to start government College in Jss 1, my mother carried my table while I carried the chair. I told her that day that I will make her proud. And till today, she will remind me of that statement and wonder why I’m the one still behaving badly. I believe I will find my purpose, and I pray I will change soon.


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