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“I regret ever joining bad gangs in secondary school.” — Clinton Shares why His life turned out badly.

“I regret ever joining bad gangs in secondary school.” — Clinton Shares why His life turned out badly.

Oct 8, 2023

Clinton’s life changed drastically, when he resumed senior secondary school. Although he was born into a Christian home, Clinton narrates the critical decision he made and how they have turned out to be regretful.

In this interview, Clinton described his junior secondary school period void of mistakes or evil deeds. But on getting to senior secondary school, he lost track of his good deeds. Clinton says he met with bad gangs and regret ever joining them. They were always that gang that would miss school for no reason, behave rudely and involved in all atrocities fighting.

The decisions he took at that time disrupted his entire life journey and cost him so much.


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