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“The more you keep learning, the more you get younger.” — Tayo Aina.

“The more you keep learning, the more you get younger.” — Tayo Aina.

Oct 7, 2023

We all live for different reasons, and finding the reason for your life is one achievement you shouldn’t take for granted.

Take it or leave it; life has defintely taught so many of us different lessons that has shaped our reasons for staying alive.

Tayo Aina sitting on the #WithChude show, described what life has taught him and how well he feels he is living for a reason.

Tayo explained that one of the lessons he has learnt is never to give up learning. He described learning as a way to keep getting younger, and experiencing a new depth of knowledge daily.

Head over to to watch the full interview.

You can also listen to the full podcast on

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