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“Sam Loco deserves a national award even in death.” — Charles Inojie

“Sam Loco deserves a national award even in death.” — Charles Inojie

Nov 15, 2023

Charles Inojie shares his most exciting time as an actor with the late veteran actor Sam Loco. Sam Loco, who was found dead in the early morning of August 11 in a hotel room, has been revealed to be one of the greatest assets Nollywood has ever experienced. Charles Inojie made this clear when he described the late actor as one who is very versatile and brilliant. Charles says Sam Loco never forgets his line, and he only reads through it once. He added that the actor even remembers other actors lines whenever they forget them on set. This is a mind-blowing act.

Sam Loco deserves a national award
Late Sam Loco Efe

Charles Inojie further identified that in a world where anyone and everyone gets a national award for anything, he believes the late actor deserves several national awards even in death. He said this because he had worked for several years with the late actor, and he saw firsthand how Sam Loco made acting more than just a price but a passion.

Charles Inojie says that Sam Loco deserves national awards even in death.


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