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Moet Abebe Speaks about Love and Self-esteem on #WithChude.

Moet Abebe Speaks about Love and Self-esteem on #WithChude.

Oct 14, 2023

Human relationships are complex and the dynamics of love and abuse often entwine, creating a web that can be difficult to escape. This poignant conversation between Chude and Moet delves into the painful reality of violent relationships, the self-doubt that accompanies them, and the ultimate power of self-love.

Moet and Chude also discuss the fact that abusive individuals can often sense vulnerability and low self-esteem in their victims. They can detect when someone is susceptible to manipulation and control. This conversation serves as a reminder that abusers can be adept at exploiting these vulnerabilities.

The beauty of Moet Abebe’s story is the simplicity of her decision. There was no nagging, no drama — just a firm resolve to prioritize her well-being. Her story serves as a beacon of hope, illuminating the path to self-love and demonstrating that it is possible to break free from the darkest of relationships.

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