“Mercy Johnson was the one who helped me when my ex-husband threatened to kill me.”—Etinosa Idemudia
I went for an interview for a film. It was Judith Audu’s Stormy Heart and was a romance-related movie. At that time, I didn’t know how to avoid questions or answer diplomatically. So when I was asked about love and relationships; I responded by saying, “One relationship nearly killed me”. I just said that casually and asked that we move on with the interview. But to my surprise, the media houses left out all the major discussions we had on the film and went on to talk about what I just mentioned in passing. I was so shocked. I never wanted all those things to get out, no one knew about it before.
I am a very emotional person, so I shed a few tears. I was uncomfortable with the amount of attention on the story. The Interviewer kept asking about it and I insisted that we focus on the movie that was to come out in the cinemas. I asked the Interviewer to make sure that part was edited out as I was uncomfortable with the way she kept talking about it. They kept assuring me that it won’t get out, but before you know it, I saw correct expose.
My Ex-Husband then called me and said that I did an ‘Interview on his head’. I said to him, you are not that important and I went on to explain what happened. He then started threatening me and claimed that I wanted to ruin his career, even when his name wasn’t mentioned. I was just talking about my past relationships and unfortunately ‘stray bullet con hit am’. So he was talking about how the people in his industry, family, and friends would know exactly what happened. I never told anybody, I just ran for my dear life. My family members didn’t even know that the marriage has ended until years later. I am not the kind of person that when we break up, I will tell the whole world. I like my peace and privacy. So I told him that it wasn’t intentional and as he could see, I didn’t mention his name. If I wanted to, I would have done so.
He said I should come out, write and tell the whole world that I am bitter Ex. So when the Threats were getting too much, I had to cry out on Instagram. A few people reached out to me including Mercy Johnson, because she had a very strong military background, and she told me that she was going to forward the case to the Chief of Naval Staff (CNS). Long story short, someone from Abuja reached out to me from the Headquarters and told me that they were now on the case and they assured me that he would not bother me anymore.
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