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“The very first time I met my mum, she was already down with stroke and couldn’t talk.” — Diadem

“The very first time I met my mum, she was already down with stroke and couldn’t talk.” — Diadem

Jun 9, 2023

A friend of mine on Snapchat was talking to me, actually, the guy was asking me out. So he was like where are you from? I’m an Igbo girl but I don’t know where I’m from like my mother’s side. He asked if I have a picture of my mum and I’m like oh yes I do. I sent him the picture and then this guy printed flyers for me without telling him. It was pasted around Oguta because there’s Oguta one and Oguta two. So, one day somebody found her and they called me that they had found her. I was even surprised because I’m like even my father couldn’t find him how come? I’d never even met this person. I said it was not possible it was not her. Unfortunately, she was already down with a stroke and she could not talk.

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