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Pete Edochie Reveals how He feels about Polygamy on #WithChude!

Pete Edochie Reveals how He feels about Polygamy on #WithChude!

Aug 6, 2023

Pete Edochie has finally revealed how he feels about polygamy and why he has not taken the second wife for himself after 53 years of marriage.

He says:

“The people who take second wives know best why they take second wives. I don’t have any need for a second wife. For me, I mean I have a wife who has given me five sons, what am I going to look for a second wife for? No it’s not necessary. I will not condemn polygamy, no, because people have their reasons for what they do, right. I know a man who has  one wife and she is a very proud woman and she just keeps denying him sex you know, and so he went out, saw a pretty girl who sells petrol, fell in love with her or confessed love to her and went to her father, paid the bride price. Rented an apartment for her and she was making babies for him and then the wife kept preventing him from getting intimate with her and all that.

Pete Edochie sits #WithChude
Pete Edochie

One day, the man just left the house, came back with this woman and 3 sons, ‘This is my second wife o, so you have to cope with it.’ My wife just came in now, she’s a lawyer. I have lived with this woman for the past 53 years. Nobody has ever come in here to say ‘oh please Pete stop beating her, you will kill her’. No, why? I never saw my father beat my mother so I cannot say I learnt from my father how to beat mama, No, I did not. I love women a great deal and I respect them. If I see any young man beating up a woman, oh my God . You know, I just think you don’t qualify to be a man. Men, God has given women their tongues. What makes you a mature person is your ability to cope with what they tell you without resorting to violence. Your wife will tell you the worst thing on earth, right? If you can react properly, there’s something called equanimity, moreover, if you can react patiently, it’s some kind of studied reaction. You know you can cope with what she does. At the end of the day, she’ll apologize to you.

Head over to HERE to watch the full interview.

You can also listen to the full podcast on HERE

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