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“Nancy Iheme showed up at my wedding despite having an affair with my ex-husband Steve.” — Sandra

“Nancy Iheme showed up at my wedding despite having an affair with my ex-husband Steve.” — Sandra

Nov 3, 2023

Sandra recounts the unpleasant moment when Nancy Iheme showed up at her wedding.

Steve, Nancy’s husband at the time, tends to be vocal, had shared direct messages (DMs) with Sandra, revealing that he had a sexual encounter with Nancy Iheme. This information left Sandra bewildered.

Despite knowing the history between her husband and Nancy, she was confused by the appearance of Nancy at her wedding. Sandra further explains that Nancy’s appearance didn’t sit well with her, and she had no choice but to talk to her husband about it.

Sandra, who had just tried her best to hold it down at her wedding, explained that during their honeymoon, there was another situation where Nancy made an inappropriate comment under a post shared by Steve while serving her breakfast. The comment deeply upset her, prompting her to bring it to Steve’s attention, leading him to delete the comment.

While talking with Chude, Sandra shared:

Sandra: Okay, so Nancy Iheme happened when I was married to Steve. Steve talks a lot. He says a lot of things. He was the one that opened up and was showing his DM between him and Nancy before I was married to him. So I didn’t understand why she was at the wedding.

Chude: So he showed you DMs essentially that she was propositioning him.

Sandra: No, that they had sexual intercourse or whatever together.

Chude: Then she still attended your wedding.

Sandra: Yes, I didn’t understand it. I was like, ‘What’s this lady doing here?’ And there’s a time that my ex-husband, during our honeymoon, brought breakfast and was giving me breakfast in bed. She made a slick comment under that, and I didn’t find it funny. I told him, Look at what she was saying. I think he made her delete the comment. So since then, I can’t; I don’t know how to pretend; I tell people the way it is. I’m not the kind of person who, if you’re my friend or if I see someone doing something that doesn’t sit well with me, of course I have to say something; I’m not going to keep quiet.

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