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“I was highly underpaid and overworked in Florida.” — ARINZE IFEAKANDU

“I was highly underpaid and overworked in Florida.” — ARINZE IFEAKANDU

Jun 18, 2023

Whenever I feel anxious, I’d always remember the words of my mother; She’d say, “Will they chase you out of your father’s house?”.

Before I came back to Nigeria, I was in Florida, and I was schooling there. I had to leave because I was being overworked and wasn’t being paid well.

I was studying and teaching at the same time and I actually thought the USA would be a place I could have spent more time in, but then I was always so uncomfortable and it wasn’t working out.

I visited home last year for the first time 3 years after I left Nigeria. I came back, and I was happy with where my family was living even though it was not as comfortable as where I had become used to, but I slept well. I felt a strong sense of peace at home.

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