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“I understand imperfections, I understand flaws, I understand being flawed, and I embrace it.” — Chude.

“I understand imperfections, I understand flaws, I understand being flawed, and I embrace it.” — Chude.

Oct 9, 2023

People stop me and ask me, how are you able to talk to everybody and empathize with them?

I think It’s a rather simple question: it’s either I’m the only person that is imperfect and flawed or I am one of many. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life, maybe not the kind of mistakes that take you to jail when you are 19/20. Maybe not the kind of mistakes that will cause you to commit a crime. But I’ve made mistakes. I’ve done things that I would regret, I’ve done things that I would do differently now. Not perfect, nothing close to perfect.

So, I understand imperfections, I understand flaws, I understand being flawed. I understand frailty, human frailty. I understand being weak. I understand not being proud of yourself, I understand doing things that you know you shouldn’t do, doing things that you don’t want to do.

I understand what it means to be an imperfect human being. I don’t deny it, I don’t minimize it, I don’t flinch from it. I actually embrace it. You know we have sometimes the society full of pretenders and hypocritical people who tend to be holier than they are. People who day ‘dem holy pass’ like 2face would say and that stops us from having the honest authentic conversations that help others, that validate others, that affirm others.

Why won’t I talk to Clinton on his terms? What’s the difference between me and him? We are both human and therefore we are flawed.

I saw today in my guest a person of immense self respect and immense dignity, who is trying like many of us to be better than his yesterday. I applaud that and respect that and I identify with that.

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