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“I suffered low self-esteem because my father was not there when I was growing up.” — Moet Abebee

“I suffered low self-esteem because my father was not there when I was growing up.” — Moet Abebee

Oct 16, 2023

The popular video jockey and actress, Moet Abebe describes her low self esteem to be associated with her background. She explains how parental care and active presence of her parent most especially her father would have to her good perception of herself but she couldn’t get that.
While in tears, Moet Abebe confirmed that she didn’t have that fatherly presence in her life, and so she sensed that she could have gotten the fear and anxiety from not having her dad around.

Moet revealed: “I’m one of those people that literally have to keep reminding myself who you are, that you’re beautiful, you’re hardworking, you can do this.

I keep reminding myself, loving and appreciating my mistakes, my past, present, future… sometimes I feel like we’re really hard on ourselves. I’m the hardest on myself. I’m my worst critic.

But I feel like those words of affirmation I tell myself is going to bring me back to reality that okay you’re like this sometimes- but this is also the greatness that you are. And I felt that we should (all) do that more often.
We can then say her love language is words of affirmation and she shouldn’t stop telling herself how beautiful and important she is.

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