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“I am not traumatized.” — Beverly Osu reveals that she has forgiven her parents.

“I am not traumatized.” — Beverly Osu reveals that she has forgiven her parents.

Nov 8, 2023

Trauma comes with different assumptions and behavioral changes that affect anyone exposed to it.

In Beverly Osu’s case, she said she has outgrown the pain and trauma caused by her parents, who abandoned her at a young age. Despite the pain and disappointment she felt at the time, Beverly shares how she has forgiven her parents and won’t blame them for the decisions they made at the time. This is because she has also made several decisions in life, and she has learned that mistakes in life happen and we just have to move on from them.

Chude Jideonwo asked Beverly if her understanding of love for older and more confident men was a result of the vacuum her father created when he abandoned her. Beverly responded that no. Her understanding of love has nothing to do with the trauma, and she has long left the ship that carries the pain. She explained that her brothers are still suffering from ‘trauma bonding, and she won’t blame them because they had a closer relationship with their  mom. When she left, they couldn’t believe someone like her would make such a huge decision and not make a plan B for them.

Beverly says:

“I feel like I’ve healed from that part of my life because I can’t blame her for how she felt when she left. I’m growing, and I see that I’ve made some decisions. Her age then and all the circumstances made her do what she felt was the best. I can’t really blame her.

There was a time I use to blame her, and I always feel very angry at her, but now she’s my best friend, business partner, and wisdom supplier. So you see, I can’t blame her. I’ve also healed from that. But unlike my other siblings who feels mummy could have done better and they also won’t do anything.”

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