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#ChudeExplains; Small Girl, Big God Series on #WithChude!

Sep 2, 2023

Even though I don’t read the news and am not personally on social media, I am extremely curious about both. So I always want to understand: who’s that? Why is that happening? What’s behind all of that. It’s that curiosity that has birthed #ChudeExplains.

This sub brand waits until the trend has
crystallised – whether it’s silly or it’s significant – and then tries to tie a zoom-out view of what it really means, and what it says about who we are.

Today, we present the first of the series: #ChudeExplains Small Girl, Big God. We take the gender-war debate Nigerians have been having over the past many months on social media and elsewhere – and we try to understand what it’s all about and why this matters so much to so many people.

I really had fun shooting this and talking to all the passionate sides.

You’ll have a blast with it too.

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Head over HEREto watch the full interview.

You can also listen to the full podcast HERE

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