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Calabar Chic delves into the Darkest corners of Her past and How Therapy has helped Her heal.

Calabar Chic delves into the Darkest corners of Her past and How Therapy has helped Her heal.

Oct 1, 2023

In a deeply moving and courageous conversation, Calabar Chic shares her harrowing battle with her intimate struggles; a journey from despair to hope, and the remarkable power of therapy in her life.

As she delves into the darkest corners of her past, Calabar Chic admits the difficulty of discussing her painful experiences but emphasizes her commitment to healing. She acknowledges the lifeline that therapy has been — a safe space where she can navigate the stormy seas of her emotions without fear of drowning.

Calabar Chic’s story is a testament to the strength of the human spirit. She reveals that, for years, her coping mechanism was to run, seeking escape from problems that felt insurmountable.

When there was nowhere to run, she contemplated ending it all, believing that her absence would spare her loved ones from suffering.

She firmly believes that she is here for a reason, that her life has a purpose yet to be fully realized. Despite the darkness that has tried to consume her, she clings to the belief that she has much more to achieve and give to the world.

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