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“Phyna and Chichi were caught up in a very human moment.” — Chude Jideonwo

“Phyna and Chichi were caught up in a very human moment.” — Chude Jideonwo

Sep 11, 2023

One of the most powerful stories in the bible was Jesus Christ cursing the fig tree. Jesus Christ is hungry and there’s a fig tree. Is it the fault of the fig tree that it is not bearing fruit? Is it not even Jesus that created it? Then Jesus Christ was so upset and he cursed the fig tree.

Remember that other story in the garden? Jesus had overworked his assistants; they didn’t have work-life balance. They were in the garden after walking around barefooted with him all over town and they are tired and they are sleeping. It Jesus Christ that God sent the message – God didn’t send them any message. Jesus finished praying and said why are you people sleeping, you cannot even wait for me? Baba – did we come from heaven like you?

I think the morale of that story is to show that Jesus Christ too could have unreasonable expectations. Because he was also human.

It was a human moment.

We are not only good and human when we are good and kind. You know we’ve gone to a place in culture where we problematise being human – someone is caught on toe with perfectly human emotions like anger or irritation and that person is bad.

So, Phyna and ChiChi were caught up in a very human moment. Whatever you think of what they said or did, they were having a very human moment.

Think about the heavy things that ChiChi said and what Phyna said… yet there are still people that will die for them and support them till the end. I may not agree with what they support, but I definitely agree with the energy of the support. The energy is that ‘we saw her at her worst, but we love her still’.

You are welcome.
You never left.
You are with us.
You are one of us.
And this, too, is a human moment.

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