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“Nobody truly does something important that didn’t have somebody who said No to them.” – Chude

“Nobody truly does something important that didn’t have somebody who said No to them.” – Chude

Oct 30, 2023

I woke up one morning on a major film that we just finished, and the brilliant, genius editor had sent me the third first cut.

I’d seen the first cut and I’m like , ‘I’ll pretend I didn’t see that first cut’. Second cut, I’m like ‘you have still lot given me my first cut’. The he sent me the third first cut. This was around 1am. I finished looking at this first cut, I called my friend who was watching with me and I said, ‘are you sure that I’ve not wasted everybody’s time and I should go back to public relations?’

And my friend said, “you have to have confidence in what you know you created.

So I sent a message to my powerful assistant and said, ‘when you see this in the morning, you have to book a flight’.
Unplanned trip, and I didn’t even have the money like that. I had wiped out my finances to make this film. I entered the flight that morning to sit down with the editor for 10 days.

The bottom line is courage, isn’t it?

This is not about film making. This is about life. It is you that has the vision of what you want to do in the world. And sometimes, you have to have the courage to say to everybody, including me, if I’m somebody you respect: ‘I don’t agree with you. I respect you, I will listen to you but I would do what is clear in my mind to do’. And it’s a risk. The very definition of risk is that it might be wrong and you might fail. But there’s nobody who does something truly important that didn’t have somebody who has said no to them; that didn’t have somebody who didn’t get it.

If you’re crippled by a bold, scary decision you have to make it the debris of life have covered your eyesight from seeing that vision or ambition come to life; you better pay attention to Editi and see how far his courage took him.

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