“My mum and I had to love each other since we are the only ones left.” — Funke Bucknor-Obruthe
I don’t know that my mum is okay yet. We’ve always been strong, my mum has always been strong person. And I think I’m kinda like my mum. But they don’t talk to people, I’ve told my mum, lets go here. She’d be like ‘No why? I don’t want.’
You know there was even a period, I’ve been thinking of taking my mum to where there’s water, then someone just called me one day and was like God says you should take your mum to where there’s water. And this person has not spoken to me in a long time. Then we took her. My mum was even complaining, No why. But I just needed her to be calm at that time so I knew that it must have been very tough for her because she lost this two children when she was young. One was born before me and one was born after me, before Tosyn.
So she’s lost two boys. So I know it must have been tough for her. When she was younger, she had two girsl, everything was fine, then my Dad happened, then Tosyn happened. She’s still not over it. Why I stopped writing is because of my mum. Because I will write and she’d send me a message, ‘Funke you’ve gone to write again, Ah leave this girl, let her rest in peace, leave my daughter’ I’d say ‘okay mummy alright’. Then I’d be like hey where can i go and write that she’d not see now cause she follows me on Instagram, instastory, insta-everywhere! Can I block this woman so I can write what I want to write. But I know it’s not easy for her. But I try my best. I see her every day, every morning, every night. It’s just two of us. So we just have to love each other and hold ourselves.
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