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“I was diagnosed with Endometriosis after severe pains and irregular menstrual flow.”—Zainab Balogun

“I was diagnosed with Endometriosis after severe pains and irregular menstrual flow.”—Zainab Balogun

Jun 10, 2023

My periods were irregular for about 2 months. So in 2 months I think I had about 4 periods and for me that was abnormal because they’re relatively on schedule and extremely painful. And when I say painful, I often describe it like somebody taking a barbed wire with like little sharp cuts and putting it in my stomach and just turning it. I would pass out out, wouldn’t be able to go to work, school, you know mentally emotionally, my hormones were all over the place and I was like this doesn’t feel normal, so let’s go find out what’s going on.

So I went for a test. Did an ultra sound and a TBS and they discovered that you know I had a cyst, I had two cysts. One on the two ovarian cysts. And they said look, ‘this is what we do, we try and just kinda eliminate everything till we get to the bottom of it and the bottom of it is typically…if we’re looking at endometriosis or something.

Now the thing with Endometriosis is, it’s quite hard to diagnose when you’re outside of the body. You kind of need to be looking in because you need to look up for the adhesions. I was scheduled for surgery to take care of the cysts because one of the cysts was torsion. It was twisted, meaning if it grows bigger or the weight you know gets a bit more or it burst, then we’re in trouble.

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