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Beverly talks about bullying, trauma & blossoming in the new episode of With Chude

Beverly talks about bullying, trauma & blossoming in the new episode of With Chude

Apr 4, 2023

Nigerian actress, producer and on air personality Beverly Naya is the guest on the new episode of Chude Jideonwo’s podcast show, #WithChude.

In this deeply emotional episode, Beverly opens up about being a victim of bullying, navigating constant verbal abuse from her peers as a child, battling with skin issues, trauma, blossoming and lots more.

On her bullying experiences, she says:

“I think I talked about it a little bit in the documentary but then, you know, like my formative years, I was always getting bullied for one thing or the other. So matter what school I was in or whatever, I always felt that there was something that I was going to get attacked for. When I was younger I was an ugly duckling, I wasn’t a cute kid. I don’t care what my mom says, I was not a cute kid.

So I has crooked teeth, eczema, I just didn’t look good. As far as I was concerned and as far people around me concerned. I used to get called snake skin, buck teeth, light bulb head, football legs, just different kind of stuff. And then I just blossomed. My skin cleared, I got braces, and yeah, I just kinda blossomed and I started to feel kind of beautiful for the first time in my life around 16 and I think I probably was owning it a bit too much for some people in my school. I got bullied for that and it really broke me, because I was like ‘look, I can’t win’. when I was younger, I was getting bullied for being ugly and unattractive, and now I finally feel like I’m beautiful and I’m trying to own it, that’s now the problem. I’m now getting bullied for that. So, I got ganged up on and ended up with a black eye, a chipped tooth, on the same day.”


Head over to to watch the full interview. You can also listen to the full podcast on

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