“You don’t need anyone’s permission to follow your vision, and you don’t need them to understand it.” — Chude Jideonwo
One of the things that struck me from the Captain’s story is how he wanted to be a pilot, and his father said no. What was his father’s reason? Understandable fear. His brother had died in a plane crash, so his son would not become a pilot. But honestly, when you decouple that from the fear that drove it, you will see that it cannot be a strong enough reason for someone not to follow their own vision.
Timi Dakolo said something when I interviewed him. He said, ‘when you have a dream or vision, one thousand people can be wrong.’
This is a dangerous lesson because sometimes people do foolish things, and they don’t have the capacity to self-correct. But this is the thing: when you have a well-considered dream, you’ve reflected on the thing fully, and you see clearly where you are going, that’s enough.

When I was listening to the captain saying that, I understood it. I don’t understand why a man will risk his life, carry a plane into the air, and finish the fuel. I don’t understand it. But I understand it. Because when there is a vision in your mind, you don’t need me to understand it.
You don’t need your father or mother to understand it. I swear to God, you don’t even need your husband or wife to understand it. In fact, the more they don’t understand it, the more possible it is a big vision. Your job is to believe in yourself. And do the work.
That’s what led a man like this to become one of the only 170 people in the world to fly solo across the world. It’s that dream, it’s that vision.
You don’t need anyone’s permission to follow it, and you don’t need their understanding to do it. Just get it done.
Head over here to watch the full interview.
You can also listen to the full podcast HERE.