The Fourth Official Selection of #ChudesBookClub: ‘God’s Children are Little Broken Things’.
This is one of the most beautiful books I ever read. Hands down. Heart out.
I am in awe of the gift and the skill it takes to weave such powerful stories of truth and love, and longing.
Set mostly in the North of Nigeria, but with characters you will recognise everywhere from and in Nigeria, the author tells stories of queerness and otherness that are at the same time very familiar and very mainstream.
In these polarized times, he has managed to tackle prejudice, alienation, phobia, politics and being with tenderness, empathy and real compassion. ‘Be kind’ comes to life in this book in ways that moved me to tears, made me gasp, and also whoop for joy.
Welcome to the fourth official selection of #ChudesBookClub: ‘God’s children are little broken things’.
Arinze Ifeakandu is a once in a generation talent.
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