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“Everything I need in this life that God has created is inside me.” — Chude Jideonwo

“Everything I need in this life that God has created is inside me.” — Chude Jideonwo

Sep 13, 2023

Many years ago, I used to hear a teacher, Marisa Peer – people would come to her with insecurities, inferiority complex, fear whatever it was – and she would just give them exercises to repeat ‘I am enough.’  I thought it didn’t make sense. Which one is ‘I am enough?

Then earlier this year it came to me: ‘I am enough’ means that if you drop me in the desert, I will find a way. If everybody abandons me, I will find a way. I’ve shared this on my Instagram before from TD. Jakes, where he says, ‘God is my source, other people are my resource.’ That means that whoever God sends to me is enough for me. If God has sent me to do X, all I need is whoever is available. I don’t need to be desperate for anybody else to come and support me. Whoever is willing and able to help me at that time is all I need to achieve the goal.

Princess Onyejekwe sits #WithChude
Princess Onyejekwe on #WithChude

What I need is inside me. My talent is inside me, my gift is inside me, my skills are inside me, my wisdoms are inside me, my learnings are inside me, my experiences are inside me. All I need to do is to keep doing the work, and then this beautiful universe will organize everything I need to support that journey.

These days, I welcome disappointments. The question I ask myself when something happens is, ‘what is the universe trying to say to me? What is God trying to say to me?’ That’s what the apostle, Paul meant by God hasn’t given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Everything I need in this life that God has created is inside me. And it’s inside you – I promise you.

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Head over HERE to watch the full interview.

You can also listen to the full podcast HERE

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